mediLexicon medical dictionary is a collection of over 3400 medical terms which have been clearly explained and cross-referenced. Colored illustrations have been provided to explain complex terms.
If you know the spelling of the word (even only a few characters) you can use the 'Search' feature to quickly find more information about the word or you can browse the entire dictionary by using the 'Alphabetical Index'.
A must have app for medical students, health-care professionals and every health-conscious individual.
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">MediLexicon站点医学词典是一个集合超过3400个医疗条款已明确解释和交叉引用。已提供彩色插图来解释复杂的术语。
必须有一个医学生,卫生保健专业人员和每一个健康意识的个人应用程序。</div> <div class="show-more-end">